Covid Therapy
I have practiced individual, couple and family covid therapy for over twenty years and the COVID19 pandemic has brought about the biggest crisis in my field; How do you deliver psychotherapy if we are all in self-isolation?
Many therapists are switching to phone sessions and video conference sessions using platforms such as Doxy, Noustalk or OnCall. This alternative is perfectly adequate for high functioning clients, but what about for clients that clinically need to meet face-to-face (if medically safe to do so)? How do we help them in the safest way possible?
If you or your loved one needs to have face-to-face sessions then here are a few important recommendations that you can send to your therapist to minimize the chances of COVID19 transmission and to help them communicate about the pandemic.
- Please regularly disinfect commonly touched surfaces and objects in your workspace such as doorknobs, mugs, pens and armrests
- Please wash hands for twenty seconds or use alcohol wipes between sessions
- Add additional boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer to your office to minimize the chances of unintentional transmission
- Help create social distancing in your waiting room/area by creating more space between chairs, removing chairs or using text messages to notify clients you are ready to see them, allowing them to wait outside or in a space that allows for greater social distancing
- Refrain from booking clients back to back so as to leave more time between sessions, minimizing clients crossing paths in the waiting area
- Contact your clients to ask them to notify you if they have been out of the country recently, have experienced any symptoms (fever, cough or difficulty breathing), or have knowingly been in contact with anyone with symptoms of COVID-19. Use this opportunity to reassure your clients and provide factual/current information from the sources listed below
- If you or any of your clients are symptomatic, have tested positive for COVID-19, have been in contact with someone who has been exposed or is self-isolating as a precautionary measure or as mandated by their employer or a government agency, please explore the alternative of using phone sessions or a secure video conference platform
- Consider waiving any cancellation fees you might have during this time.
PLEASE use information from theWorld Health Organization during this challenging time.